Thorn Fit pro density roller
The Pro Density Roller has been developed for both amateurs and professionals for whom rolling is a regular part of their daily training.
The Pro Density Roller is made of high quality EVA foam, with a structural density that allows comfortable rolling of all muscle areas.
Additionally, the Pro Density Roller is equipped with a special structure to prevent slipping on the roller.
The roller is designed to comfortably and effectively break up muscle tangles. The top layer of the roller is soft which significantly increases comfort while maintaining rolling properties to relieve muscle tension.The roller is extremely lightweight yet durable due to its excellent shock absorbing properties.
Pro Density Roller is dirt resistant and easy to sanitise.
Fields of use:
mobility, stretching, rehab, prehab
• material: EVA
• weight: 315 g
• length: 44 cm
• diameter: 14cm
• unique design allows for targeted massage
• durable, dirt resistant and easy to clean
• inodorous, safe and hygienic storage
• color: black
• designed to withstand constant, heavy, and repeated use without breaking down