Amarok Basic TCM 300 g
- No water retention, fast muscle size up, increase stregth
No water retention, fast muscle size up, increase stregth
Tri Creatine Malate was created by sports scientists to be the ideal creatine variant for power and endurance athletes based on its ability to help improve strength and reduce recovery times between bouts of exercise.
Tri Creatine Malate is also the preferred choice of creatine for bodybuilders, crossfitters and those who are involved in high volume, strength training. This is because whilst the creatine monohydrate will help improve the molecule energy and therefore strength of the muscles, the addition of the malic acid improves muscular endurance by helping the body release energy from food. Its name comes from the fact that it’s made from 3 creatine molecules attached to one molecule of malic acid. Whilst the benefits of creatine are very well documented and researched, athletes are only just becoming aware of the performance enhancing properties of malic acid.
Closely related to citric acid, vitamin c, malic acid is found naturally in foods such as green apples and has been shown to help the body release energy from food which in turn improves endurance. So by combining it with creatine monohydrate you effectively get a hybrid supplement capable of improving both strength and endurance.